Monday, April 18, 2011

Mortal Kombat: The Rebirth of a New Tournament and Brand

For those of my generation as well as generation X, Mortal Kombat was the ultimate rebellious game that pushed the limit of mature video game content and as a result opened the door for more brutal, violent and dark video games to exist.

I strongly believe that the Mortal Kombat franchise as a whole is underminded, while stating that, the franchise has the capabilities to come back around and prosper once again not just within the video gaming industry but also in motion pictures.

Before I get into that, I want to mention some historical highlights that occurred when Mortal Kombat was released.

Due to the franchises use of digitized sprite, blood and gore, Mortal Kombat caused the creation of the Electronics Software Ratings Board in 1994 after Mortal Kombat II was released.

Lets be honest traditional Mortal Kombat gamers, this was a bumber since it restricted the game against young video game enthusiasts, but from a marketing standpoint, the controversy of MK's strong violent gaming content helped construct the Mortal Kombat brand as the rebellious game for kids to play.

Much like the controversy with Charlie Sheen, I find this to be one of the underlying variables as to why the young franchise at the time recieved so much attention and publicity to where it was an advantage for it against other video games.

We all tend to be attracted to controversy, and if used in the right way, it can help gain market share or a multi-million dollar profit from a sold-out nationwide tour show, right Charlie? This is why Sega used the Mortal Kombat controversy to their advantage against Nintendo back in 1993 and was pretty successful.

However, due to newer, more fun, interactive, and violent video games; the franchise lost its touch and is now a laggard within the gaming world. However, I believe one thing can be used to revitalize Mortal Kombat and bring back the good old days into the new and more technologically advanced world; an in-depth and integrated storyline.

Storylines are key when it comes to any form of entertainment. This is what made Metal Gear Solid a huge success. It is the lifeline of any form of entertainment/media. If you don't have an intriguing story, you lose the attention and interest of the audience. Another example of a video game franchise that utilized a compelling storyline to become almost a conglomerate within the gaming world is the legendary Halo series.

Like Halo, the MK franchise should develop better quality literary material that will strengthen MK whether it's through novels or the continuation of the Mortal Kombat comic book series.

The key is it needs to contain literary elements of deep characterization that will make audience relate to the characters. This is what moves and attracts an audience. The more they can relate to a character's situation or problem, the more intrigued they are. For instance, in the comic book series Battlewave, Liu Kang faces personal issues of wanting to live a normal life as he attempts to pursue his passion as an architect back home in Chicago instead of a champion fighter in Mortal Kombat. This is a personal struggle of a person unwilling to accept their own fate and responsibilities. It would be interesting to develop in literary material a more in-depth story of this as well as other personal challenges in a dark, realistic and gritty form.

What will help the franchise in making the necerray changes to do this is the current production of the third installment of the Mortal Kombat motion picture series Mortal Kombat: Rebirth.

What I think will be cool is if a literary novel was made that complemented the mini-tv web series (Mortal Kombat: Legacy), which is a prequel to the upcoming movie and another literary series that followed the outcome of the movie.

The novels can focus specifically on each character's past while being realistic, dark and gritty. I think traditional Mortal Kombat fans would actually take their time and read the novels because the personal lives of the popular Mortal Kombat characters have never before been told. This will increase its awareness and carry along a compelling story that can be applied to all the Mortal Kombat characters in the long-term. Imagine how successful MK would be.

This is what made Batman Begins such a huge success! Christopher Nolan took a dark, gritty and often realstic approach to the prequel and re-defined the Batman franchise by focusing upon Bruce Wayne's troubled past and presenting it in a form where the audience can relate to the character on a deeper level.

If the MK franchise implemented the approach of a deeper, darker, and empathic storyline within the characters and the tournament as a whole within literary novels and even newly developed video games (like the continuation of such games as Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero) then the franchise will be extremely successful and prosper with future MK projects.

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